Class D Security License Training is a 40-hour certification course where scenario-based training, hands-on de-escalation techniques, and legal considerations prepare you for a career as an unarmed security guard in Florida.

Class D Security License Training covers topics that apply to people at various stages.

  • Improve your level of comfort handling and shooting your rifle.

    Class D Security License Training gives you hands-on practice with instructors right there to guide you. They’ll give you easy-to-understand tips to immediately see improvement and feel more confident with your AR-15.

  • Discover weaknesses in your gun, gear, and technique.

    Class D Security License Training gives your gun, gear, and technique a reality check. Training exercises expose weaknesses you might not see at the static range. Is your grip slipping? Is your holster slowing you down? Fixing these problems now, in a safe environment, could save your life later.

  • Practice the necessary yet forbidden skills that most ranges don’t allow.

    Static ranges don’t prepare you for real-life situations. Class D Security License Training lets you practice drawing, moving, and how to handle multiple threats, critical skills for personal protection that most ranges won’t allow.

  • Understand how to protect yourself legally, as well as, physically.

    Self-defense isn’t just about shooting. Class D Security License Training covers the legal side too. Remember, you’re responsible for every bullet. This class teaches legal accountability and how to react responsibly under pressure, helping protect you both physically and legally.

To attend Class D Security License Training, you must meet and/or bring the following:

Student Requirements

  • Be 21+ years of age & a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • A valid government-issued ID or driver’s license

Firearm & Gear Requirements

  • None
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Why Train with Valortec?

We’re conveniently located in Orlando, Florida, and bring decades of collective experience in law enforcement, national security, and emergency management to every class.

Real-Life Proven

There’s no fluff, no movie techniques here – just practical knowledge for real-world situations.

Legal Knowledge

Training doesn’t stop at shooting. Learn the laws, rules, legal aspects of liability & use of deadly force.

Safety First

Valortec prioritizes safety in all classes, ensuring you can learn at your own pace and go from comfortable to confident.


Valortec teaches practical skills you can actually use, not flashy tricks. Get personal attention to build your confidences.