Low Visibility Pistol is a 7-hour defensive pistol class where threat identification, flashlight techniques, and stress management strengthen your low light pistol skills.

Low Visibility Pistol covers topics for people at various experience levels.

  • Threat Identification

    Low Visibility Pistol will explore how to analyze limited visual cues – body shapes, movement patterns, sounds – to make accurate judgments under pressure. You’ll sharpen your skills in differentiating threats from non-threats.

  • WML (Weapon Mounted Light) Techniques

    We’ll delve into mastering activation techniques while maintaining a secure two-handed grip. Low Visibility Pistol teaches you how to leverage your WML’s tactical advantages – disorienting attackers and gaining a precious edge in reacting to threats.

  • Flashlight Techniques

    In low-light situations, using a flashlight effectively becomes crucial for both safety and target identification. Low Visibility Pistol dives deep into flashlight techniques, specifically the Harris technique, designed to illuminate threats while minimizing your exposure.

  • Stress Management

    In Low Visibility Pistol, you’ll learn to control your body’s response to pressure, maintain situational awareness, and prioritize targets effectively. This translates to increased accuracy, better decision-making, and ultimately, greater safety for yourself and others.

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Why Train with Valortec?

We’re conveniently located in Orlando, Florida, and bring decades of collective experience in law enforcement, national security, and emergency management to every class.

Real-Life Proven

There’s no fluff, no movie techniques here – just practical knowledge for real-world situations.

Legal Knowledge

Training doesn’t stop at shooting. Learn the laws, rules, legal aspects of liability & use of deadly force.

Safety First

Valortec prioritizes safety in all classes, ensuring you can learn at your own pace and go from comfortable to confident.


Valortec teaches practical skills you can actually use, not flashy tricks. Get personal attention to build your confidences.