Valortec is revolutionizing the way law enforcement and civilians train with our state-of-the-art mobile range and LASERSHOT technology. Our services bring advanced, realistic training scenarios right to your location, ensuring you receive top-tier training without the need for specialized facilities.


Experience Unmatched Flexibility and Realism in Training

  • Cutting-Edge LASERSHOT Technology

    Our system offers unparalleled realism, enabling participants to engage in various scenarios, including active shooter situations, judgmental use-of-force training, and marksmanship drills. This technology allows for customizable scenarios that reflect real-world situations, providing critical hands-on experience.

  • Convenience and Flexibility

    Valortec's mobile training units mean that we bring the range to you. Whether you're a law enforcement agency, a corporate security team, or a civilian group, we can set up a comprehensive training environment at your preferred location. No need to travel or secure special facilities – we handle all logistics.


    Valortec supports qualification requirements for Basic Marksmanship Instruction by enabling instructors at any level of computer knowledge, skill, or ability, to replicate any physical firing range and target condition.

  • Judgmental Training Capabilities

    Our interactive scenarios help develop crucial decision-making skills under pressure. Participants are placed in lifelike situations requiring split-second decisions, honing their ability to respond effectively in real-life encounters. While training, the instructor can manually direct the scenario to create multiple outcomes based on the student’s interaction, reinforcing communication and a deeper understanding of the use-of-force continuum.

  • Expert Instructors

    Our team comprises experienced and licensed instructors with extensive backgrounds in law enforcement and military training. They bring practical knowledge and professional expertise, ensuring that each session is not only instructive but also rooted in real-world application.


    Designed by subject matter experts in advanced firearms training, drills are designed to focus on critical eye and hand coordination while introducing stressors like timers, no-shoot targets, reflexive fire, and head-to-head competition with other officers to reinforce urgency in speed and accuracy.

Training Services Offered

Student Requirements

  • Scenario-Based Training: Experience a variety of scenarios designed to simulate real-life situations, from active shooter events to domestic disturbances. Each scenario is designed to challenge and improve your tactical and strategic response.
  • Marksmanship and Tactical Drills: Enhance your shooting skills with drills that improve accuracy, speed, and tactical movement. Our mobile range is equipped to facilitate both basic and advanced shooting exercises.
  • Use-of-Force Training: Develop a keen understanding of appropriate use-of-force in different situations. This training is essential for law enforcement officers and security personnel who must make critical decisions in the field.
  • Customizable Training Modules: We work with you to create tailored training programs that meet your specific needs and objectives. Whether you require basic firearms training or advanced tactical exercises, Valortec can design a program that fits your requirements.

Take Action Today

  • Invest in your safety and skills with Valortec's mobile training services. Our advanced LASERSHOT technology and experienced instructors ensure you receive the best training available, anywhere, anytime.

Contact Us Today

  • Schedule your training session and take the first step towards enhancing your readiness and response capabilities. Transform your training with Valortec – because when it comes to safety, preparation is everything.
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Why Train with Valortec?

By offering flexible, high-quality training services, Valortec is your partner in readiness. Let us help you prepare for the unexpected with our mobile range and LASERSHOT technology.

We’re conveniently located in Orlando, Florida, and bring decades of collective experience in law enforcement, national security, and emergency management to every class.

Real-Life Proven

There’s no fluff, no movie techniques here – just practical knowledge for real-world situations.

Legal Knowledge

Training doesn’t stop at shooting. Learn the laws, rules, legal aspects of liability & use of deadly force.

Safety First

Valortec prioritizes safety in all classes, ensuring you can learn at your own pace and go from comfortable to confident.


Valortec teaches practical skills you can actually use, not flashy tricks. Get personal attention to build your confidences.