Failure to fire

What is a “Failure to Fire”?

“Failure to Fire” is a term in firearms training that describes a situation where a firearm doesn’t discharge when you pull the trigger. Instead of hearing a “bang,” you hear a “click.” This malfunction can happen with pistols and rifles; understanding and addressing it quickly is essential.

Recognizing and swiftly clearing a “Failure to Fire” is crucial for staying engaged in a training exercise. Practicing malfunction drills helps ensure you’re ready for real-world scenarios, and addressing this issue promptly also prevents dangerous situations caused by mechanical failures or ammunition problems.

People Also Ask

What should I do if my firearm fails to fire?

If your firearm fails to fire, you should perform the “Tap, Rack, Ready” drill. This involves tapping the magazine, racking the slide, and preparing to fire again.

Why does a firearm experience Failure to Fire?

Failure to Fire can occur due to various reasons, including a faulty magazine, defective ammunition, or a dirty or damaged firing mechanism.

How can I reduce the chances of a Failure to Fire?

Regular maintenance of your firearm, using high-quality ammunition, and ensuring your magazine is properly seated can help prevent this malfunction.